Lea and Ben Take on Virtual CNS 2021

Lea and Ben presented posters at this years virtual version of the yearly CNS meeting.
See their posters below:

Frank, L., Ashby, S., & Zeithamova, D.(2021). Individual Differences in Memory Generalization. Poster presented at the 2021 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. PDF

Chaloupka, B. & Zeithamova, D.(2021). Differential effects of content and location overlap on learning and memory. Poster presented at the 2021 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. PDF. Video

Art and Science Collide!

Check out a new exhibition by Patricia Moss-Vreeland, an artist whose work is inspired by memory and neuroscience, among other topics. Over the past five years, Patricia has been having conversations about the brain, memory and art with Dasa Zeithamova, and Dasa contributed science commentaries to some of Patricia’s work.