BAM Lab at SFN 2019!

Cait and Stefania presented their posters at the 2019 conference of the Society of Neuroscience! See below for their posters:

Ashby, S. R., Bowman, C. R., & Zeithamova, D. (2019). Generalized memory representations emerge across paired-associate training. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2019, Chicago, IL. PDF

Bowman, C. R., Iwashita, T., & Zeithamova, D. (2019). Neural representations underlying acquisition of category knowledge. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2019, Chicago, IL. PDF

Annie, Katelyn, and Madeleine joined our lab

Annie Rian

Annie Rian

Annie is an undergraduate psychology major in her final year. She’s interested in the effects of traumatic stress on the brain, and plans to work as a therapist specializing in PTSD in combat vets.


Katelyn Schroeder

Katelyn Schroeder

Katelyn is a senior at the University of Oregon, majoring in psychology and minoring in business administration. Her interests include cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology, specifically relating to early intervention for childhood trauma. She plans to attend graduate school after finishing undergrad.


Madeleine Eustis

Madeleine Eustis

Madeleine is a student at the University of Oregon and is majoring in psychology and minoring in women’s gender and sexuality studies. She interested in developmental neuroscience and how memory relates to culture.

Ben, our new graduate student!

Ben received his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He worked in the UIC Memory Lab as a Research Assistant studying memory and future thinking with Dr. Karl Szpunar. He joined the Brain and Memory Lab in the fall of 2019. His primary research interests are in memory and consciousness, specifically studying the neural mechanisms that enable memory integration and complex memory formation.

Meet our high school intern, Oliver!

Oliver is a student at South Eugene High School. He is currently interested in learning more about neuroscience and memories in the brain, and hopes to go into a science or technology related field.

Our 2019 Psychology Departmental Awards Winners :)

Ray, Meghan, and Takako received the Psychology Department Alice Thompson Scholarship. This scholarship supports undergraduate psychology majors whose primary interests include cognition, brain physiology, or other physical science applications in the field of psychology.

Congratulations, Ray, Meghan, and Takako!!