Cait, Stefania, and Lea at SFN 2018

Cait, Stefania, and Lea presented their posters at the 2018 conference of the Society of Neuroscience! See below for their posters:

Ashby, S., Bowman, C., & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Spontaneous generalized memory representations following paired-assoociates training. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF

Bowman, C. & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Tracking the development of specific and generalized representations during concept leraning. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF

Frank, L., Bowman, C. & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Distinct connectivity patterns along the hippocampal anterior-posterior axis. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF