Louis just joined our lab!

Louis Kerner

Louis is a post baccalaureate student who is studying chemistry at the University of Oregon. He is a student veteran, and his first degree is in Social Science from Western Oregon University. His primary goal is going to medical school specializing in primary care.

Lab Happy Hour

We had the BAM Lab Fall Happy Hour a couple of weeks ago!
Everyone had a good time with nice conversations with their labmates 🙂

Cait, Stefania, and Lea at SFN 2018

Cait, Stefania, and Lea presented their posters at the 2018 conference of the Society of Neuroscience! See below for their posters:

Ashby, S., Bowman, C., & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Spontaneous generalized memory representations following paired-assoociates training. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF

Bowman, C. & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Tracking the development of specific and generalized representations during concept leraning. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF

Frank, L., Bowman, C. & Zeithamova, D. (2018). Distinct connectivity patterns along the hippocampal anterior-posterior axis. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2018, San Diego, CA. PDF