Cait and Alex will present posters at SFN!

Cait and Alex will each present a poster at Neuroscience 2016, a Society For Neuroscience conference that will take place in San Diego next November. The title of Cait’s poster is “Neural representations of concepts and exemplars: comparing generalization and recognition”. Alex’s poster is entitled “Trial timing in fMRI designs for pattern information analyses”.

Welcome to our lab Jessie!

Our lab got a new research assitant: Jessie Moyer. She is an undergraduate student studying psychology who is particularly interested in social psychology and in how reasoning and perception help develop relationships between individuals.

Welcome Jessie!
Jessie Moyer

Anisha won the Undergraduate Symposium’s Poster Award!

Last March, Anisha was awarded the UROP mini-grant for her original research on the effects of aging on short-term and long-term memory. Two months later, she was ready to present the results of her first study: “Aging Effects on Perceptual and Conceptual Memory: Transformations from Short-term to Long-term Memory”. She presented a poster at Undergraduate Symposium, along with 235 other undergraduate students. For her poster, she received the UROP Poster award, an award sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Office for Research and Innovation. You can see the poster here. She will use this award to travel and attend conferences. Great work, Anisha!

Our lab will present at ICOM-6

Our lab will be at International Conference on Memory this summer (Budapest, Hungary, 17-22 July 2016) with three posters:

  • No trade-off between memory specificity and memory generalization
    Dasa Zeithamova, Anthony Resnick, Maria-Alejandra De Araujo Sanchez, Caitlin R. Bowman
  • Optimizing trial timing in memory experiments for fMRI decoding analyses
    Dasa Zeithamova, Maria-Alejandra De Araujo Sanchez, Anisha Adke
  • Flexible use of category representations
    Caitlin Bowman, Dasa Zeithamova