Ben and Troy at LEARNMEM 2023

Ben and Troy presented posters at this year’s 2023 International Conference on Learning and Memory annual meeting.
See their posters below:

Chaloupka, B. & Zeithamova, D. (2023). Overlap between events has different consequences for learning and memory when events overlap in location versus content information. Poster presented at the 2023 International Conference on Learning and Memory, Huntington Beach, CA. PDF
Houser, M., T., & Zeithamova, D. (2023). Successful generalization of conceptual knowledge after training to remember specific events. Poster presented at the 2023 International Conference on Learning and Memory, Huntington Beach, CA. PDF

Troy at CNS!

Troy presented posters at this year’s CNS annual meeting.
See their posters below:

Houser, M., T., & Zeithamova, D. (2023). Successful generalization of conceptual knowledge after training to remember specific events. Poster presented at the 2023 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. PDF.

Ben, Min and Troy at SFN!


Ben, Min and Troy presented posters at this year’s SFN annual meeting.
See their posters below:

Chaloupka, B., & Zeithamova, D. (2022). Overlap between events has different consequences for learning and memory when events overlap in location versus content information. Poster presented at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego. PDF.

Zhang, M. & Zeithamova, D. (2022). Amygdala volume and emotion regulation in aging. Poster presented at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego. PDF.

Houser, T., DuBrow S. & Zeithamova, D. (2022). Exploration-exploitation tradeoff during navigation of abstract task space. Poster presented at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego. PDF.

Our new fMRI study featured in Around the O

Check out our new paper on how category labels can bias our perception, published in the Journal of Neuroscience and featured in Around the O.

Ashby, S. R., & Zeithamova, D. (2022). Category-biased neural representations form spontaneously during learning that emphasizes memory for specific instances. Journal of Neuroscience42(5), 865-876. LINK

Read the article from Around the O

Lea and Ben Take on Virtual CNS 2021

Lea and Ben presented posters at this years virtual version of the yearly CNS meeting.
See their posters below:

Frank, L., Ashby, S., & Zeithamova, D.(2021). Individual Differences in Memory Generalization. Poster presented at the 2021 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. PDF

Chaloupka, B. & Zeithamova, D.(2021). Differential effects of content and location overlap on learning and memory. Poster presented at the 2021 Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. PDF. Video

Congratulations to our graduating research assistants

A large portion of our amazing undergraduate workforce has finished their studies at the University of Oregon this spring and are moving on to new adventures.

Congratulations to Rennie, Ray, Celina, Meghan, Katelyn, Melissa, and Takako on your graduation!

Each of you contributed immensely to the success of our lab and we are deeply grateful for your hard work and diligence keeping our lab running. We could not have done it without your help. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavors knowing that each of you have bright futures ahead.

The BAM Fam will miss you!