Brain and Memory lab at SFN 2017

Caitlin, Stefania, and Lea presented posters at the 2017 conference of the Society of Neuroscience. See below to view their posters:

  • Ashby, S., Bowman, C., & Zeithamova, D. (2017). Changes in item representations following category learning. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2017, Washington DC. PDF
  • Bowman, C. & Zeithamova, D. (2017). Prototype model correlates in the VMPFC during concept generalization. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2017, Washington DC. PDF
  • Frank, L., Preston, P. & Zeithamova, D. (2017). Intrinsic connectivity between memory and reward centers predict individual differences in reward-motivated learning. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference 2017, Washington DC. PDF

Dataset available: trial timing for multivariate pattern analysis

We have published the dataset described in trial timing for multivariate pattern analysis in OpenfMRI. It is available here. This data was collected to investigate experimental design optimization for pattern-information approaches to fMRI data analysis. Participants were scanned while encoding images of animals and tools. There were 5 different stimulus presentation designs, and each participant completed to runs under each design. The designs varied in the number of trials and trial timing within fixed duration scans. Trial timing conditions with fixed onset-to-onset timing ranged from slow 12-s trials with two repetitions of each item to quick 6-s trials with four repetitions per item. We also tested a jittered version of the quick design with 4–8 s trials. After the scans, participants completed a memory test.

Bamlab at the “Girls’ Science Adventure: Inside Your Brain”

Girls in grade 4-6 got an up-close look participated in a neuropsychology adventure day in which members of the UO Women in Graduate Sciences helped them learn all about how human brains work, how they change over time, and what they look like through a brain scan. This event is part of the Science Factory’s Girls’ Science Adventures workshop series. Dasa represented our lab. In addition to our regular outreach kid activities, she brought cute little brain soap for the girls!